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Our Vision is to be the premier association for workplace learning and talent development professionals across the state of Arizona.  We want to empower Talent Development professionals to develop workplace talent.

We emphasize on meeting the needs of and advancing the field of Talent Development while partnering with other related organizations to bring and leverage the best of the best to develop ourselves, develop our leadership, and develop others we serve.

To achieve this we will continue to expand our reach through offering quality programs, networking events and partnering with other organizations.


Our Mission is simple –to provide inclusive quality programming, strong networking connections, and serve as a conduit to national resources thereby increasing its impact in the local talent development community.


The Chapter is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and may make expenditures for one or more of these purposes.

The Chapter’s specific purpose shall be to promote the education, development, and professional standards of personnel who work in the field of workplace learning and talent development.


Stay Current: So you can provide more productive learning solutions, get access to excellent research material, play a leadership role in the profession, and grow and advance in your field.

Increase Your Effectiveness: Saves you time, improves your solutions, enables you to come up with cutting edge solutions even with limited funds, allows access to on-demand development when you need it, and gives you a chance to benefit from best practices.

Get Connected: Opportunities provided for networking with other professionals, attending conferences and seminars, meeting with workplace learning professionals, accelerating your time to proficiency, and getting answers to your specific questions.  The annual Southwest Learning Summit and Exposition is another great development and networking opportunity.

Develop Your Career: Career development offerings include CPLP resources and certification, global research community, certificate programs, and national and local job boards.  The Southwest Learning Summit and Exposition being held in Dallas in August is another great development opportunity.

Volunteer and Contribute: Give back to your profession, boost your credibility, learn new skills, receive further discounts if you are a chapter leader, and build leadership competency.

Recognition: Motivate yourself and your organization and increase your productivity.



We are proud to be a part of the Association for Talent Development (ATD) the world's largest training association.

National ATD has a remarkable supply of resources and offers relevant professional development opportunities such as certificate programs, conferences, and events. Our local chapter focuses on the needs of its local members by providing workshops and seminars on current trends and issues, opportunities to connect and share best practices, connecting employers and job-seekers, and much more.

Our membership programs and resources are based on the ATD Capability Model. When ATD conducted the in-depth, comprehensive study of the learning professional to develop this model, they were able to define, through the model, what Workplace Learning and Performance professionals needed to know and do to be successful. By basing our offerings on this model, we are able to focus developmental opportunities on research-based, strategically chosen areas of our profession.


Association for Talent Development Arizona Chapter is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

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