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Role: President

The President has executive responsibility to provide the vision, structure, culture and environment to enable the Chapter to meet the mission and goals created as a team. They are also a leader and primary cheerleader!

Main role responsibilities

    • Oversee all CARE requirements and ensure adherence to the requirements.
    • Provide encouragement, support, resources, feedback to individual Board members; especially President-Elect.
    • Validate vision and mission and goal setting.
    • Establish and maintain effective processes and communication to enable the board to serve members effectively.
    • Assure all board and business operations function effectively, to understand member needs and deliver superior service and assure ATD Chapter Affiliation Requirements (CARE) are met.
    • Review the progress of goals, strategies, and projects at monthly Board meetings.
    • Lead effective transition to a new board annually.
    • Lead monthly Board and chapter meetings; participate in other chapter events/committee meetings as available.
    • Lead board and chapter members in affiliating, collaborating and using regional and national resources, including Chapter member companies.
    • Represent chapter professionally and ethically in all business functions/organizational activities. 
    • Works with VP Volunteers to co-host the December Awards program.
    • Attend all monthly chapter meetings and the Annual Leadership Conference (ALC).
    • Write monthly articles for the newsletter

Responsibilities as Board Member

    • 2 year role
    • As a leader in the Chapter, attend 2/3 of Chapter events
    • Attend at least 8 of 10 board meetings annually -- most board meetings are virtual
    • Recruit and train replacement
    • Required: Member of both national ATD and local chapter

Key Collaborators

You'll work with all board members at meetings and support their work wherever needed.

What Your Year Looks Like

This role has a relatively constant time commitment throughout the year with workflow related to monthly meetings. Two exceptions include the push to complete chapter CARE requirements in December and ad hoc project work that can pop up.


    • Build, motivate, and lead chapter volunteers where needed
    • Plan, organize, and evaluate activities required by the position
  • Effective verbal communication, leadership, diplomacy, personal interaction, problem-solving and meeting management
    Lead a committee, delegate tasks, and monitor progress
    Build, motivate, and lead a team of volunteers
    Plan, organize, and evaluate chapter activities
    Demonstrated experience in budget design and accountability desired
    Demonstrated ability to manage projects
    Time available to fully participate in chapter and board meetings, and represent the chapter regionally and nationally

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Association for Talent Development

Valley of the Sun Chapter

is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization

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